(352) 314-8900

What are geotextile tubes and what are they good for?

In the world of dredging, geotextile tubes are referred to as sludge dewatering geotextile tubes. With benefits like cost efficiency, speed and very low impact on the environment, sludge dewatering geotextile tubes are rapidly gaining popularity in marine dredging, water and waste water treatment, construction dewatering, remediation of agriculture, and protection of precious shoreline.

Geotextile tubes offer a viable alternative to wet hauling, sludge lagoons, sand drying beds and other mechanical methods used for dewatering. The dewatering method used by geotextile tubes offer an environmentally friendly way to reuse decanted water and water that is placed into storm drainages or water tables.

Because the speed of dewatering using geotextile tubes far exceeds that of open air pits and heavy equipment, geotextile tubes leave only a small carbon footprint and are capable of dewatering several elements including wastewater sludge, contaminated dredged material, agricultural animal waste, industrial sludge and even remnants of shale gas fracking.

Geotextile tubes are the latest innovation in saving our shores, are cost effective, optimize land usage, and are tough permeable geotextile that leave a small environmental footprint.

Each individual geotextile tube project is unique in nature. Therefore, while there are general guidelines that must be followed, each geotextile project requires a consultation with a geotextile tube company of experts. The experts at C&M Dredging identify each project's unique and singular attributes to design the precise dewatering process needed for your project.

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Featured Project

Hurricane Damage Restoration

Florida Keys


  • Remote Island Location 3 miles from mainland in FL Keys
  • Hydraulic Dredging to Geotextile tubes
  • Automated Polymer Injection System for Material Dewatering and Clean Effluent Requirements
  • Dewatering site constructed on sectional barge at island location
  • Dredging, Dewatering, Hauling and Disposal all simultaneously
  • Geotextile tubes transported by barge back to mainland daily for offloading into trucks
  • Sensitive Marine Benthic Resource avoidance and protection integral part of project requirements


C&M Dredging performed an environmental restoration dredging project to reverse impacts caused by hurricane damage to an island resort in the Florida Keys. A canal system and basin system that was in place for barges and vessels that serviced the island resort daily had been filled in by hurricane-force winds and tidal surge.

The difficulty was that the project site was 3 miles from the mainland, on an island.

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