Our Services

Geotextile Tube Dewatering

Geotextile tubes are utilized on a hydraulic dredging project to contain and dewater sediments, making them suitable for transport and disposal. One key benefit of this method is its efficiency in removing water from large volumes of suspended material.

C&M Dredging utilizes woven geotextile tubes to dewater and contain dredged material across various applications. When properly planned and executed, projects using geotextile tubes and a comprehensive chemical program capitalize on the following:

  • Lower % moisture content and, therefore, substantial material volume reduction.
  • Material and odor containment at the site.
  • Reducing or eliminating the negative impact of adverse weather on the dredge spoil management site.
  • An option for permanent placement or landfilling, then capping.
  • Improved return water clarity and lower turbidity rates than traditional dewatering methods.

C&M Dredging has extensive experience working with this technology. Our team has the latest automated polymer make-down and injection systems, manifold systems, and sampling equipment to ensure optimal project performance.