Our Services

Site Development Dredging

Site development dredging involves excavating the bottom of a body of water to create or enhance a site. This service is typical for constructing harbors, marinas, ports, and other waterfront developments. Although often overlooked, in-shore land developers can also capitalize on the benefits of this type of dredging.

C&M Dredging works with land developers by dredging existing lakes to help fill other areas of development. Our team has an innovative approach to maximizing onsite fill and placement while minimizing import quantities.

Our professionals utilize hydraulic dredging equipment to target material inaccessible to conventional earth-moving equipment and with no need for dewatering. Large hydraulic dredges work to mine and discharge fill material directly to the planned placement site without the need to lower the water table. This service decreases the need to import fill and reduces overall project costs.

Additionally, our approach has a lower impact on the surrounding communities, such as reducing the need for dust control and trucking from off-site locations. Furthermore, the project is less affected by rain and other customary weather delays.

C&M Dredging's team of experts can work with developers and site contractors to evaluate current or upcoming projects.